Monday 13 May 2013

Hello May, Where Did You Come From?

Can anyone else believe that it's May already?! This time next month we will be half way through the year, pretty frightening don't you think? Where has the time gone? It feels like only a matter of weeks ago I was toasting a vodka to the new year and here we are, five months into it.

What else does May mean? Yep, end of the uni year. Wow, I'm almost a second year which is also pretty frightening. But along with the end of the year, comes plenty of essays and for those unfortunate few, exams. Oh how lucky us journalists are. So while I'm stacked to my eyeballs with essays to write and a portfolio of my year to put together I can't help but think how quickly the past nine months have gone. 

On one hand, I can't remember not being a uni student, but on the other hand, it feels like only a week or so since I first nervously stepped through those big doors with 'University of Sunderland' written above. Scary. When it all comes down to it, it feels like this year has flown over, but when I think of all the friends I've made, I feel like I've known them forever.

Although I've only known them for nine months, and some even less than than, I'd say they were on the same level as those friends from back home who I've known for a good 10 years. Soppy Zo. 

This is merely just me reflecting on the past year, how much things have changed and how fast it's all gone by. And also, I probably am only writing this to procrastinate from this essay. Once again, hoping to stare at the page and the words to write themselves. But I'm using the excuse of 'I haven't blogged for five days' as a reason to close that word document for a little while.

Here's to another two years at uni, pass the wine.

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